Pleased to meet you – digital identities in the era of internet!

I’m always amazed at people’s unawareness of their digital identities. Like me, myself and I, with my own! I give so many interviews on the subject and still I forget to once in a while google my own name and check SonjaCataniwhich picture people actually get of me once they do the same with the name Sonja Catani (Yeah you got me there, I repeated my own name with a link in this post, hoping that it would give me a better indexing on Google). But seriously, do this more often with your own name, all of you! Google! Look at your google results and remember that one of the first things people do when they want more information on you; is to google your full name. If you’re “unfortunate” like me and happen to be alone in the world carrying an unusual name, then pay close attention to the following.

As my Google+ profile will tell you in the “introduction” section; sonjacatani_googleGoogle+ tells me to put something here so that you know you’ve found the right Sonja. Well a good hint would be if you looked for Sonja Catani, then you’ve found her. As I know there’s no-one else with the same name out there. Which is both scary and evidence enough that my mother seems to be one of the only people who likes this funny name Sonja.

That’s a good start, you’re alone carrying a funny name – put up a Google+ profile, obviously Google likes it. But also, put up twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Blogspot, Pinterest, Tumblr. and WordPress profiles. You don’t need to do like me, share all your innermost desires about interiour design or your favourite pictures on Instagram. Still – just do it – build your own brand awareness and digital identity.

It doesn’t have to fit your IRL identity. You can choose what you give out. You can be who you are. But whatever you do, don’t ignore it. Your digital identity is as important as how you present yourself in real life!

I’m happy to be known as:

“Social multitasking twittering word-loving sms wizard. Local champion as Champagne cork colletor” (Google+) – otherwise no-one would know that I acctually have a collection of champagne corks and a few hundred thousand sms’es saved on my TimeMachine.


“I’m serious in everything I do – therefore I find humor a great tool. Do more, faster & better! Favorite word: Thank You! Warning: tweets private & personal” (Twitter) – otherwise people might actually think I have a terrible humor and wouldn’t be able to chew chewing gum and walk at the same time whilst tweeting, sending sms’es and doing a bunch of other things in a quick pace and screaming Thank You to most passing strangers!

Imagine a life like that – all fun and laughters, work hard, play soft – and no digital identity to show for it.

So get out there and create your own digital identity! Otherwise you might have to introduce yourself through a Rolling Stones song:

“Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game”

Gadaffi charter tourists and other people not welcomed in Utopia

How come that even if you have made a decision, sworn on your mother’s grave (ah, but she’s most alive and not dead at all, meaning she probably hasn’t invested in a grave yet…) strike the mothers grave part. Begin anew. How come that even if you have made a decision, sworn on your late grand grand mother’s grave – even taken an active wove to never ever let small, evil angry people close to you – they still keep coming. Left right. Small, evil angry people flying straight into your life. How come?

The Utopian Airport

The Utopian Airport

I’ve made this decision. I really don’t want any hassle; I don’t want to have any people around me who would bring anything else than easygoing fun, happiness and love to my life. I’ve even written a handbook for my friends with instructions on how to spot these evil bastards when they come sneaking, and turn them away already in the door way. Apparently my advises have been great. I get lots of thanks for that. But then it comes to my own life… And here we go. However hard I try I don’t seem to succeed.

So please, do as I say – not as I do.

Or as I don’t do. Because the thing is; I don’t do these people. I don’t let them close to me. Still they flock around me like bees drawn to Acacia honey. I hate bees by the way. I love honey though. Maybe that’s the problem?

However it’s incredible to see that there are so many people who are driven by evil, miss-targeted revenge or plain stupidness. As I said, some of them manage to crawl their way into my honey pot. But I can see them all over in life, not only my own. People who are takers, not doers. People who draw energy from conflicts and who take from anyone they can, wherever they can, whilst not really wanting to do or give anything back in life.

In Utopia (a relay nice country), where I’m an aspiring citizenship applicant, people like these would not be let in. They would be handled in customs like Newark Airport’s most hostile customs police would treat charter tourists travelling with Usama Bin Laden’s or Gadaffi’s private plane. Because in Utopia people would understand the benefits of giving to people who have less, they would understand that direct charity is something that gives you more to live for than any status symbol merchandise you can ever buy. They would understand that in order to be happy, you couldn’t carry grief or revenge. You couldn’t treat people in ways you’d never want to be treated yourself. You couldn’t benefit on others failures and you certainly wouldn’t be able to be a happy person had you not learned the first rule in life “always do for others what you’d hope someone would do for you!”

So friends and family (and of course lawyers), thank you for being so wonderful. I really, really want to give all of you a happy life, because that’s what I would want others to give to me!

Happy hugs all around! Greetings from Utopia Airport’s Customs, I’m standing in line behind the newly arrived Air Bin Laden crowd, so I might stay here for a while.

PS. I am also a citizen of a country  very intent on not only finding Utopia, but also in creating it! Read this interesting article.

Through the looking glass

20110508-020346.jpgI stand looking out of one window looking through another window and suddenly it hits me. Everything is as it should be!

Nine hours earlier: I woke up five o’clock in the morning and walked around in the garden drinking coffee. Something felt funny. The morning light with low sun rays hitting the calm sea, the birds singing, the trees that are just about to bloom. Something was funny. 20110508-020328.jpgNot only did it look like, and now even sounds when writing it down, like a novel from the early 20th century. It also felt like that. Like time stood still and suddenly there are no worries in life. No lost loves, no angry politicians, no scandals in news papers, no milk gone bad in the fridge, no long TODO-lists, no two hundred e-mails awaiting replies, no-one demanding attention or quarrels, no bank statements shouting out red numbers,  no crazy people doing anything crazy, no anger, no jealousy, not one single cake eaten and not had, not one single thing that actually seemed to be wrong. Everything was perfect. I went back to bed, fell a sleep feeling calm and happy.

Nine hours later: I’ve been awake for some time, worked in the garden, laughed with people around me, glanced over at the one I love and felt warmth inside me spreading faster than the spring sun. I’ve had lunch. I’m preparing to leave to go home. I stand looking out of one window looking through another window and I know: Everything is as it should be! My life is exactly as it should be. I have found happiness. Life is acctually right now, right here, writing these words. And it’s perfect. Exactly as it should be.

Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful Mother in Finland. Thank you for giving me this great life. Love You!

Funny things that make me happy

I got a question from a friend who wondered why I always write so much about happiness and could I please stop it and start being miserable for a while instead. Well, yes I could. But that’s so boring. Being miserable is boring. And boring is not the point of my life. The point of my life is to be surrounded by happy and fun people. Do You know of anyone who’s miserable that is fun to be around? No? Well thought as much. Why would I inflict on anyone else what I don’t want for myself in my life?

But I haven’t always been this happy. There’s been times when I’ve been a lot less happy, when I’ve only seen a long dark corridor with no open doors anywhere. I’ve always sensed the light and seen small strings of light under the doors, but couldn’t figure out how to open them. Now it’s quite easy, I just turn around and look for new doors that are open and suddenly, once you learn how to open a door, then they’re all open. Wide open and full of fun opportunities and laughter and great people. That makes me happy.

So how on earth could I write Continue reading

Bottles, butlers, laughter and a 15-year bonus

The other night we went to see this fabulous show with Marta Oldenburg at Roxy. As you can see she’s a star, she even has one on her head! I’ve seldom laughed as much as when she, her sister Miriam Oldenburg and Lindy Larsson gave a performance celebrating Turkish music and sayings. I posted a short video on Facebook and my own Mother can’t stop commenting on it (I think we’re up to five Facebook comments and ten e-mails with comments, monologue style from my Mother only). She’s telling all her friends to watch it, because life is too short not to laugh and a good laughter gives you a longer life. Apparently people pay to go to courses to learn to laugh. She and her retired croonies now just pay for an internet connection and watche the clip over and over and over and laugh and plan their 150th birthdays.

Mostly my Mother laughs at me laughing.

And I’m not the only person laughing. In the background you can hear my friend laughing. He has a very distinguishing laughter. And usually it can be heard in connection to his favorite Swedish expression “Oh, Jävlar” pronounced with Continue reading

Shortcuts to happiness

The Swedish winter has suddenly taken a turn towards solidarity with the rest of the world’s La Niña catastrophes. It’s raining and even if our floods are a walk in the park compared to what Sri Lanka, Brazil and Australia are facing, it’s still pretty wet outside.

For me driving can sometimes be almost meditating, therefore I’ve driven a 30 kilometer extra long road home today, just to let my thoughts wander and help me sort out things I wonder about. It dawned on me that one thing that makes me happy is a life without conflicts. I hate arguments, I hate quarrels and I seriously hate people who choose a conflict instead of a happy face and forgiveness. I’ve worked many years now on achieving this, crossing out people from my life who choose an angry face instead off a laughter. People who seek out arguments are gone, people who always criticize or look for conflicts are gone. Bye bye. A big black cross is the only mark they’ve left in my life. Now I’m considering my luck that I’ve actually got to this wonderful place in life.

Imagine a life where you have people around you who are always basically grumpy! Now imagine a life where you have happy and fun people around you. Yes, not such a difficult choice. But sometimes it might feel like an eternity before you take out the big fat water resistant black marker pen and draw the cross. In order to do so you usually have to take a big decision, and decisions are Continue reading

Kicking in Cyberspace, but missing my kick and spark in the snow

I’m back in cyberspace again after my small mishap just when the year ended. But now I have a new problem, I’m missing my spark. Actually I never found my spark. I was hunting it the whole day in every single shop that I could think of. It was sold out everywhere. No, I’m not talking about the missing spark in life, I don’t miss that, I miss a spark like Julias. Read about it here.  I got to try hers a few days ago, and I was almost jealous. But I thought, hey what the h, I’ll go straight out and buy one for myself. And that’s the kind of spark I wanted to find today! A real sparkstötting, a sledge thingy where you can place your child on a seat and kick sledge her around rural Stockholm, looking like something from the 19th century, or more or less like something from my childhood when my dear mother always spark-kick-sledged me around my hometown. I want a spark, I want a spark, I really, really want a spark!!!!!

When night comes I will be out in rural areas with a humongous bolt cutter looking for long lost sparks that someone’s forgotten.

I know most girls want sparkling diamonds, but I only want a spark, I really, really, really, truly want a spark!!!!!

Plan B, if someones got a drawing explaining how I could build one, I’d be happy! Been regarding from the corner of my eyes a 19th century chair that could maybe be connected to a pair of skis.

Alive and kicking in cyberspace and the starry night sky – or not?

Whoaw, had this terrible scare for the past 24 hours, suddenly I was cut off from the rest of the world. Well not as one would suspect due to the harsh Swedish winter and all the consequences its brought upon us like; no bloody free parking
spaces, old women skidding over streets almost getting run over by cars stampeding all over the place (breaks are only for scared chickens), electrical bills shooting through the roofs (and then through another meter layer of packed snow) leaving half of Sweden’s bill paying society ready to return all Christmas gifts in order to pay for those bloody heating costs. No I was almost stranded and halted from life due to a computer error. Since Tuesday late night my computer showed this picture: Continue reading

All kinds of love, forgiveness and happiness

Looking at the world in the aftermath of the Swedish “martyr”, the bomber who killed himself. Did he really want to kill all those people that the media are telling us that he wanted to kill? Or would there maybe in fact have been a reason that he, in the end, only harmed himself? That maybe he changed his mind? I really want to believe the best in people! I truly have this firm belief that he actually chose to kill himself, and only himself, because he met a women with a smile on her face, a women with a child. Please let us all believe that this would’ve been the case.

Let’s not hate, but love. Love is forgiveness.

And you’re free to hate me for believing in love. I’ve earlier expressed my thoughts on botanical love! But today something happened. I talked to my mother and for the first time ever in my life, I knew I actually wanted something from love and life, something that most girls want and has known that they want since they were kids.

I realized I could actually do something, first time in my life, only because of love! I’m a bloody lucky person. Waves. And kudos to me.

This got me thinking about the subject of love. There are traditionally four kinds of love, well at least according to the Greeks, but who’s to argue with them?

Those four variety’s of love are: Continue reading

Numbers and communication problems – a touchy subject!

This will be a very tricky post to write, mostly because it’s a touchy subject. But also because it can be understood and interpreted in very many different ways!

I’ve spent a very long time  reading different posts, blogs, articles and research on problems in communication. You see I have this frequently occurring problem in communicating and it drives me mad when sometimes you seem to talk about the exact same thing with someone, but however many times I try and say the same thing, I just end up in a dead end and the other person doesn’t understand me at all. I try and try to rephrase and clarify and simplify and explain. I use simple words, difficult words, I use metaphor examples and I try using three bulletpoints. Sometimes I even make excell sheets or draw small pictures with crayons. Still, NADA mutual understanding. Like the world we live in suddenly would’ve been drained of intelligence*

After all my reading and researching today I’ve realised why the shoe doesn’t always fit, with some people. It’s all about numbers. Not that we should communicate in numbers (tried and tested that one as well! Check) it’s about points and numbers away from each-other. The further away, the harder to communicate and understand each-other.

In easy words it’s like this! If your Continue reading

Happy jour suédoise, ten days early

Today it’s the “Svenska Dagen” in Finland. The Svenska Dagen (The Swedish Day) comes from the historical date 6th of November 1632 when the swedish hero king Gustav II Adolf fell in battle at Lutzern. But once again history is playing tricks with us. You see this date is not exactly accurate. If you’d go by the Julian calender the king would have died the 16th of November and not the 6th. So by switching from Julian calender to Gregorian, we just coldly killed a king ten days early.

But that’s not what we’re celebrating.

In Finland on the other hand we celebrate the swedish language and in Sweden we simply celebrate the king Gustav Adolf. But as a friend of mine informed me: “nobody in Sweden really cares about him anymore”. Poor king, first they kill him ten days early and then they forget about him.

In Finland we’re proud of the The Swedish Day and our small minority group of people all sing the song “Modermålets sång” (The mother tongue song). Every kid in swedish speeking schools in Finland knows and likes this pompous song and sing it with all their heart.

I’m singing this national anthem of us swedish speaking Finns today in the south of France, loudly so that it echoes through the valley and then I shout Happy jour suédoise!

You can hear the song here. It’s a bit tricky with some legal rights in different countries, but I got it to work from France by clicking on the text AUDIO Modersmålets sång 01.07.1964 | längd: 1.03 I’m still looking for a clip to embedd in the text

The Importance of Being Honest

While we people always talk about honesty we still seem to spend a lot of time covering up small mishaps and getting ourselves into situations that Oscar Wilde would’ve loved to make into funny satires like The Importance of Being Ernest“. I mean who is Ernest anyway? Or who is honest?

Today I got an email from the other side of the world with this plea for help:
“I think you could shed light in some gnawing questions I have.

Would you rather know all truths, even discomforting ones than to be in the dark? When does honesty become a burden? Would you rather suffer knowing the truth than live in bliss ignorant of it? Do you think all truths ought to be revealed? Is fact and truth the same thing?”

So my Friend, do you want my honest answer on this?

My answer is: YES. Yes I would always want the truth. It usually hurts, it can be devastating in all it’s nakedness, because truth can not be dressed up or sugar coated. It’s harsh reality and it’s cold and crystal clear. Of course the truth is usually the messengers tale, but in his or her world it’s the truth. And I think that it’s better to gather facts and know for sure than to stay in the dark and pretend and play make believe in one’s own darkened corner without the light that truth and fact brings. Of course I know and understand that if one’s used to sitting in the darkness, it’s not such a great experience to suddenly have a hundred watts of burning bright light shining in one’s scared eyes. A small candle can sometimes be a perfectly understandable small step towards the whole kaboom of throwing the truth in with a halogen torch swaying from it’s last exclamation mark.

I like the truth. I don’t love it and I most certainly am not the best person in the world to handle it, but I like it better than the option of dishonesty. I can understand and even forgive and forget if someone betrays me, uses my generosity, talks behind my back, deceives me, lets me down, steals my champagne and then makes faces when I look the other way or worst of all tries to steal my friends or my freedom. But I can never ever forgive dishonesty or lies.

Ignorance is not bliss. Whoever said that hadn’t heard the last famous words: “the truth always comes out!” And it does. The truth always comes out. So take it head on as early as possibly. Light all neon signs in the darkness of ignorance and bring it on! Put on some loud music and do a head bang while swearing and being angry. But trust me it does pass. Lies and dishonesty never passes, it grows inside and suddenly the comforting darkness of ignorance that should have surrounded you and given you peace has instead crawled inside you and created a darkness.

So my answer to your question is: 37. Honestly!

The Catani Circus

I just read this great article about the history of the American Circus. The reviewer said:

“Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed, dazed and stunned: get to know the greatest, most orgasmic book on Earth, The Circus, 1870-1950.”

I, myself, am thrilled, happy and exited that finally the Circus is back in town. For a few years now my friends have called me The Circus Director, in charge of my own Cirkus Catani. This has become a joke since most of my life seems to be a circus, fast paced, moving around, new crowds, new audience and new tricks coming up all the time.

I really really need to get this book! Till then I can always flick through the first 60 pages of the book here

Oh, and I would love for this female body ideal to return.

Please join the circus with me!

The mutation of energy, ponies and good intentions

There’s something funny about energy. Every evening when I go to bed I promise myself that I will begin my day with an half an hour of yoga, when I wake up I kind of forgot that promise all-together.

Every morning I wake up at six. Every morning is a race against time. How come two hours pass in warp speed in the morning while the same two hours can feel like an eternity when you’re on an airplane on your way to a lovely weekend break in Barcelona. Or when sitting through an endlessly boring meeting trying to look sharp and focused even when your eyes are rolling around in your head, making you look more like a rabid dog, Continue reading

Where did this big black hole appear from?

Usually my mood scale looks like this:

  1. delirious
  2. mind blowingly positive
  3. happy, happy
  4. really good mood
  5. a bit frustrated
  6. outlasted
  7. not happy at all

I’m almost always on scale “really good mood” (number four) and above. Sometimes I slip down to number 6, outlasted. Now once again, Continue reading

Time to wake up from the siesta!

Due to all the recent posts and discussions on Twitter, Facebook and different blogs about the general elections in Sweden and the Swedish Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna), I’ve now come to the conclusion that this might be one of the best things to have happened to Sweden in a long time. Never in my ten years here have I seen so much political activity and perseverance like these last few days. Maybe Sweden finally woke up from that long siesta that they’ve engaged in since being a neutral country for  201 years. (1809 was the year when Sweden lost a third of their territory, Finland, to Russia). My personal opinion (a Sonja fact, also called Sonjact) is that this protected existence in this neutral safe country has given the sweds the mentality of  “allt ordnar sig”. Read my friend Julia’s excellent blog post about this!

Quote “I see quite some mañana tendencies in the firm belief that not only can we postpone dealing with the alarm, it will also take care of itself” Quote end

So now for the first time, that I’ve seen, Continue reading

The horrible truth about 16 of my neighbours

Sunday night there were general elections in Sweden. The outcome was a disappointment to 95,3% of the voters. There was only one winning party. The formerly known as New Nazism party, today called Sverigedemokraterna, the Swedish Democrats. Don’t trust the new name. It’s misleading, as is the party’s politics. But we have to admit defeat. 4,7% of Swedish voters have had their democratic say when casting their vote and this has given Sverigedemokraterna 20 electorate seats in parlaiment. Since neither of the two blocks, the red-green with left wing supporters or the blue with right wing supporters, got a majority the Sverigedemokraterna now have a tripping scale position. The blue block, the sitting government, got a majority minority position. But it doesn’t feel like a victory when you look at the result with the yellow party in between messing everything up.

What makes me sad is that a party that is built on neo nazism and an extremely narrative view on immigrants, homosexuals, Jews, Asians, Africans and well just about everything that doesn’t fit into Hitler‘s old manifest, has so many supporters. In my own neighborhood, a neighborhood that should be tolerant, open and in fact is populated by people from all different cultures and countries, there were 16 voters out of 668 that voted for the Swedish Democrats. That is 16 too many. 16 voters in my close proximity who secretly regard me and my small family as a threat to “their Sweden”. This is scary shit.

Look at their TV campaign, that fortunately was banned by most TV stations before elections. How can anyone claim that there’s no rasism in THIS?

But on a broader scale, looking beyond my own (as I believed before) safe haven, this election opens up a can of worms. If the party gets media training and is brushed up and smartened up, they will pose a real threat in the next election 2014. They now have a voice and they will do everything in their power to stay in power and to convince people that the likes of me and my friends are a threat to “their Sweden” due to their convictions that the country should be closed and secluded and not open to any change whatsoever.

I’m very tempted to arrange a small peaceful manifestation against Sverigedemokraterna. We would be led forward by a fluffy cute white Moomin character (the epitome of peace, love and kindness) and maybe hug a few skinheads till they suffocate. No we wouldn’t go that far. But we could hug them till they faint and maybe get a slight brain damage that would forever destroy the nazi part of their brain.

Jogging in style

Driving home from a great day at one of my favorite customer’s I saw this jogger running alongside the road. He looked very fancy. Tight shiny black jogging attire, probably in some extremly ergonomic material that stops wind, breaks water, keeps snow on a five centimeters distance, breaths on it’s own and maybe even is able to produce an energy drink when needed. Oh and don’t forget to imagine the seamless fit and red strips along the sides of the well trained legs.

Yepp, well that’s not me. My jogging attire (maybe jogging was used in a slightly over optimistic sence just there, fast walking or slowly dragging your feet in a orderly fashion while swaying ones arms, would probably paint a more accurate picture). Anyway, my “fast walking or slowly dragging your feet in a orderly fashion while swaying ones arms” attire consists of a pair of old grey out of fashion college trousers combined with whatever happens to cross my sight in my wardrobe. Usually a t-shirt with a cartoon picture at the front, an old worn out hooded jumper in a rather horrific color like pea green or formely known as bright pink. Add to this some eighties bright green and violett weights tied around my ancles and the very very very nerdy walking sticks. Yepp, that’s me.

Wonder if I should do a raid in one of the sports shops to pimp up my “fast walking or slowly dragging your feet in a orderly fashion while swaying ones arms” clothing? Or maybe I should just go directly to “always over dress” mode. A nice evening gown with straps and high heeled shoes to match. Could possible paint the walking sticks black and attach some nice bling bling fake diamonds on them. Maybe even attach a specially constructed champagne glass holder.

I realise that the keener on sports one is, the better equipped. I will therefore use my extreme reluctance to any sort of demanding sports as an excuse as to why I look so terrible while “fast walking or slowly dragging your feet in a orderly fashion while swaying ones arms” around Djursholm. Thank Good my friend Caroline isn’t prone to being embarrassed on being seen in my company.

See you tomorrow morning darling for our daily gossip walk? I’ll bring the  fur coat and champagne, you bring hors d’oeuvres.

Botanical love now featured in friends

Friendship, a kind of symbiosis, can take on many different characteristics. In the last few days I’ve had a fair share of phone calls from friends who’ve needed advice on how to handle different relationships, whether it be with their friends, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends or, well just about anyone in their surroundings.

Sonja’s friendship hotline can now officially be considered open.

Well here goes. The botanical view on friendships, in all it’s natural ways. The term Symbiosis is a quite interesting phenomena. It’s like nature’s own leftwing political system. These interactions can be divided into three categories: mutualistic, parasitic or  commensal.

Mutualism is my favorite friendship, both “organisms” or in this case people, benefit and grow through the interaction of being together. For example, two friends build each others confidence, talk, listen, teach and learn. They help each other and it’s a win win situation for both. The opposite would be interspecific competition. Let’s not even get into that, we don’t like interspecific competition

Parasitic is the worst kind of friendship. It’s about one friend benefitting at the expense of the other. This is acctually more common than we would want to accept or believe. It’s said that parasites reproduce more quickly than their host and looking at some of my friends who’ve called me the last few days I can see a pattern here. Once you get a parasite into your life, their quite difficult to get rid of. And most importantly, they put up this huge neon sign that says “all parasites come join, this is a fantastic host!”. My advise: steer clear! Do a de-tox, or de-parasitox.

Commensalism as an third example is the type of friendship where one benefits but without harming the host as in the parasitic relationship. Still I wouldn’t recommend this to my friends either, because who knows maybe the commensalist organism slowly starts to evolve into a parasit. You can’t be to sure about nature, the ecological system or evolution. I mean for God’s sake, we were all small amoebas once, very far away in time, but hey who’s counting.

So in my world, where time stands still or sometimes moves at warp speed, I can only recommend my friends to get rid of Parasites, watch out for the sneaky Commensalist bastards and only concentrate on friends who are Mutualistic in their symbiotic friendship.  This goes without saying in cases of lovers, boyfriends and such, as well.

And one last thought on symbiotic relationships. They can be both obligate and facultative. Please choose the more difficult word. Because facultative symbiotic relationships means that they can, but don’t have to live with the other. While the obligate symbiosis puts the two friends in a survival relationship where they entirely depend on each other for survival. This is especially common in marriages and “oh my God I need to find the man/woman of my life”-relationships.

Turn down the lights and enjoy the company for now. Don’t gamble your whole existence on this one person or organism. See love and friendship as it should be. Something fun, something that is wonderful in this precise moment, something that can be spelled out on flower vases, something that is facultative and mutual. And always keep in mind that evolution might turn your lover back into an amoeba at any moment when you least expected it!

Love to all! (and flower power)

The stereotypical Swede on the Riviera

No we’re not talking about the stereotypical Swede in Sweden. He’s far more modest, jantelag and concerned about fitting into the norm. No extravagances further than maybe doing his Friday shopping at Lisa Elmqvist in “Hallen“. We’re talking about the stereotype Swedish man (a certain type) once he comes to the Riviera. Bright coloured trousers or beige shorts and light blue shirts or pink piké t-shirts. The obligatory Tod’s shoes and the main thing: a Panama hat. The more worn out, the better, the hat that is, not the man. Never has clothes or clothing with holes been more favoured than in this case (excluding the eighties jeans). Neither has long gray hair been ever more in fashion than here. Not counting year one and twenty Anno Domini when Jesus and his friends were fashion icons.

I’ve seen them, they stroll the croisette in Cannes, they have lunch at Club 55 in St Tropez and they all look the same. They also talk loudly on their blackberries (in Swedish or sometimes in English with the typical Swedish pronunciation on J as yeiy, not djey) and they like to be part of their own community.

I like them. I sometimes laugh at them, sometimes with them. But mostly I wish there we’re a few less of them. How many Johans, Wilhelms, Engelbrechts and Carls can you know in one life time? And why, please oh please why, can’t I find one single place where I can be just me? No swedes attached, no strings attached.

By the way, talk about throwing bricks in a glasshouse (Swedish expression), I just had a fab lunch in St Tropez with some Swedish minorities. No stereotypes or strings attached. Just a great lunch.

Ps. The poor guy in the picture has no idea he’s been featured here, neither does he have any relevance whatsoever to this blogpost, except his name might be Engelbrecht

Posted from my iPhone

Three Love Letters

Thunder, warm air, dramatic skies and rain

slowly slowly dripping through the grape stocks that wind through the patio’s pleated roof. In a minute the skies will open and it will pour down with heavy raindrops.

I’m thinking about love. Sometimes it’s just as overwhelming and sudden as a thunder rain. You can hear it coming, you can’t stop it. You can run for shelter or you can simply sit back, enjoy the scenery and get soaking wet. I choose the later. I choose love.

Letter one
We talk daily and we always sense when the other one needs the other. We share secrets that we didn’t even know we had. We love each other no matter what. We support and we strengthen each other. We listen, we talk, we give advise, we ask for advise, we lean on each other. We fight, we make up, we always forgive. We’re always there for each other.
I can’t live without you.

Letter two
I love you with all my heart. I feel your presence even when we’re apart. I remember you in my dreams and my body’s every nerve and memory is tuned to you. I miss having you near even if we’re two centimetres a part. When we’re together nothing else exists. My soul tunes into yours and we’re drawn to each other like magnets.
I can have you or loose you because I always feel the same, even when we’re not supposed to be.

Letter three
I’ve waited for you all my life. I’ve dreamt of you with a hazy picture on my eye’s late night movie screen. I’ve always known it was you. Even before it was obvious. I can’t stand being apart from you. I want to hear your laughter every day, every hour, every minute, every second. You’re the piece that gave me peace. You’re my everything in life. With you I am whole. With you my life has a purpose. Nothing will ever come between us because we’re meant to be, always.
I love you more than any words can explain, without you I’m nothing.

One letter is to a man, one to my closest friends and one to my daughter. I love you all. Without you my life would be like thunder without rain, sunshine without laughter, champagne without bubbles.

Posted from my iPhone

Making your own life or making your own champagne

After meeting up with friends at a wonderful, generous and warm dinner the other night I’ve been thinking about the implications of carrying a heavy load in life. Everything is about making choices, about choosing how to live your life and how to make the best of it. Many people blame history and past unfortunates in order to have something to blame if their lives are not up to par in the presence. But everyone’s got s choice. We can choose to see the problems or we can choose to see solutions. We can choose to be unhappy or we can choose to find happiness in life, in the small details like being able to drink coffee in the sun a beautiful September morning. We can choose to forgive and move on. We can choose to forget and only remember the good things. We can choose to turn bad events into something good. For example a friend of mine who broke her leg was so happy to have only broken one leg, and not both, because walking on crutches makes it far more easier to move around than sitting in a wheelchair would. Problems and heavy burdens, past mishaps and sad events can actually be something that gives us an opportunity to practice this positive and life embracing attitude. A curse is almost always a blessing in disguise. The only way to find out is to choose to see things in a new light. If one stands in a dark corridor and it seems that the door at the end is locked and won’t open however much one pulls and pushes and tries to force it. Well then it might be a good idea to turn around and look at the corridor from a new perspective. Oh look! Revelation! There are suddenly three doors we never saw before. They’re wide open, sunlight streaming through them from open windows inside the rooms. New opportunities, new beginnings and a chance to forget the dark hallway.

So back to the dinner. The hostess said afterwards that it was like Babette’s Feast or in modern day maybe we’d refer to the Stephen Fry movie Peter’s Friends. The gathering was a mix match of people who all carried a lot of heavy burdens with them from life. Not a very Swedish or text book A1 constellation. There were:

– 3 adopted people
– 3 who’ve lost their wives in young age to cancer
– 4 or maybe even 5 who had traumatic divorces behind them
– 2 who’ve witnessed the horrific scene after one of their parents committed suicide
– 2 families who had adopted children
– 3 who had a known or unknown diagnosis of some sort of letter-combination
– 6 who had other religious views than the dominating Swedish Christian view
– 2 who ate food not normally served in restaurants
– 2 who had survived natural disasters
– 4 who had divorced parents
– 3 unemployed
– 5 who chose to work only for the fun of it
– 8 single or part-time parents
– 8 who had ancestors from Finland, France, Germany, Russia, India, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Denmark or Italy
– 8 who had lived in England, France, US, Germany, Norway, Finland, Spain, the Carribean, Denmark, Israel, South Africa or Estonia

And everyone got along, everyone had fun. Everyone talked about how life is at it’s best on a Tuesday. And everyone chose to see life as a gift, as something precious. Everyone chose to see past burdens and instead see a curse as a blessing and to look at life through pink glasses. This had nothing to do with all the champagne served. This was because we all chose to walk on the sunny side of life. And if we have a burden, however heavy, we chose not to carry it with us and cast a shadow over us.

I will now in my terrible school French try to explain this to an ant that for the past half an hour has been carrying out a Sisyfus task by dragging the heavy load of a grape three meters over a sunny patio. Please, sil vous plait, sit down in the sun and enjoy life, drink a glass of champagne instead of carrying your own grapes in order to make it. Life is too short. Especially if you’re an ant.

There’s a new toy in town

After successfully acting out my childhood dream profession (well at least one of the hundreds of them) I forgot the haircutting scissors in the bathroom. Now someone else is also trying out a dream profession as a stylist to the worlds most deranged and feminist loathed toy.

There’s a new Barbie in town and she’s got attitude!

Things that make me happy! Go for your dream, act on it and show up in style.

Emotional teenager

Julia from Juliamoved and I can’t stop using Emojis when we text eachother. We send messages that might look something like this:

Julia: I’m busy doing nothing what’s up?

Me: Oh nothing special . Will blackmail , treat and threat my daughter into letting me cut her hair might have to tie her to a chair in the bathroom

Julia: good going! So when should we meet?

Yep, you’re not hallucinating, we’re using small pictures in our text to illustrate the dialogue. This is quite fun seeing as we both love to use language (not swearing, God no) but to use words and write long letters as a form of communication. Ironically enough I’ve always refused to use smilies with the explanation that if I have to put in double dots and an end-brackets in order to explain that I’m happy about something, then God help me find a new hobby, because that means I’m not very good with words and/or think that anyone reading my texts would be an idiot.

Yes well that was before Julia and Emojis came into my life.

Can’t stop. Am obviously 13 years old.

Posted with iPhone using Emojis in Blogpress

most straight – not bög

My friend’s been handling a very delicate mater in a very non-delicate way. She simply took to her MacBook and wrote a long letter to someone who hade done some pretty nasty things to her. The letter was head-on, nothing withheld and no ammunition held back. Seriously if she’d have to go to war again, her basement would be empty of any ammunition after that letter. She asked me later what I thought about it, you see she wasn’t quite sure if it had been though enough. This is like asking if maybe Saddam Hussein had been a bit too soft. My answer was, no darling, it was most straight – not bög*.

More on sayings and swenglish to come.

*Bög = Gay (and before anyone can ask, I love gay men, and sometimes gay women as well)

English or Swedish or Swenglish?

I’ve had a blog for about 18 month on Blogspot. I’m not so sure about it anymore. It’s whole reason to be has seized to exist, the goal has been reached and now it’s like one of those old toys that you feel you have to play with, out of your Lutheran  consciousness.  Or a like a worn out t-shirt that you know has to be thrown away soon. Or like an old date that really isn’t up to date anymore.

So I’m concidering moving. Here. Looks like a nice place. Will have to do some redecoration and see if it triggers me. If I get an urge to write again. I miss that urge. I’m in urgent need of finding it again. Maybe it would turn up if I try writing in English, or should I say Swenglish.